Whole school

Back to School Getting To Know You Activities
9 Back to School Activities suitable for Middle and Secondary school students.
Colour and B&W versions and American and English language.
Activities include:
The Big Line Up – an activity that requires students to line up in a set order.
Famous Pairs – students pair up with the aid of some “Famous Pairs”. Several activity versions to try out.
Get To Know Your Class – students to chat with classmates and find someone to fit each statement.
My Classmates of 2023 (and up to 2026) – another Get To Know Your Class activity in the shape of numbers (files for 4 years!).
Roll The Dice – students make a dice. Each roll of the dice matches a question. 3 sets of questions and a blank sheet for students to create their own. Students can share their answers verbally or use the answer sheets. Semi-editable files so you can create your own questions.
Classmate Bingo – another Get To Know Your Class activity in the form a Bingo Game. Semi-editable file included so you can adjust statements to suit your classes.
Chatterbox – students to fold their own chatterbox and use it to ask their classmates questions. Answers can be recorded on a separate sheet. Blank chatterbox so students can create their own questions. Instructions on how to fold a chatterbox are included. Semi-editable file also included so you can create your own questions.
2 Truths 1 Lie – Lift the flap activity for students to make to share 2 truths about themselves. Students can choose an emoji to represent themselves, draw a picture or add a photo.
3 Facts Game - Students are divided into pairs and find out 3 interesting facts about their classmate. Students then form small groups and share their new found information with their group. The whole class comes together as a group to share information about their classmates.

150+ Student Award Certificates – Superlative and Subject Awards - Editable
Over 150 Student Award Certificates – Superlative and Subject Awards – use at the end of the month, term or End of Year Awards. 5 different star themed designs.
Print the PDF file and fill in by hand, or use the PowerPoint versions to edit and add in student’s names.
There are two PowerPoint versions, one for you to add in “teachers name” and “date”, or one for you to sign and date by hand.
Both Power Point versions are semi-editable (add students name, subject details etc.) You can choose your font, colour and size to suit your taste. Also includes several blank certificates for you to create your own.
Certificates include the following:
Above and Beyond
Academic Excellence
Amazing Achievement
Amazingly Articulate
Amazing Attitude
Artfully Creative
Aspiring Author
Awesome Ambition
Awesome Attitude
Big Brave
Biggest Heart
Brilliant Behaviour
Brilliant Behavior
Brilliantly Bright
Busy Bee
Chatterbox Award
Miss Chatterbox
Mr Chatterbox
Master Chatterbox
Cheeky Charmer
Class Clown
Clever Computer Kid
Cool, Calm and Collected
Cool Confidence
Crazily Courageous
Dangerously Dependable
Delightfully Determined
Delightfully Diligent
Drama Queen
Drama King
Endlessly Energetic
Enthusiastic Learner
Excellent Effort
Excitedly Eager
Extra Mile
Fabulously Funny
Furiously Focused
Genuinely Generous
Good Friend
Happy Hard Worker
Happily Helpful
Helping Hand
Homework Hero
Inventive Imagination
Incredibly Organsied
Incredibly Organized
Inquisitive Mind
Kind Classmate
Keep Calm and Carry On
Little Listener
Math Master
Miss Manners
Master Manners
Mr Manners
Most Improved
Most Motivated
Naturally Knowledgeable
Neatest Desk
Outstanding Improvement
Overwhelmingly Optimistic
Particularly Patient
Perfect Attendance
Perfectly Polite
Perfectly Punctual
Positive Personality
Positively Positive
Quiet Achiever
Really Reliable
Remarkable Reader
Reading Rockstar
Rising Star
Shining Star
Spectacular Sportsperson
Spunky Style
Star Student
Stellar Student
Super Smile
Super Speller
Super Supportive
Techno Whiz
Terrific Teammate
Times Table Award
Thoroughly Thoughtful
Wonderfully Willing
Wonderful Worker
Writing Wizard
Subject Awards – separate achievement awards & effort awards
Creative Arts
Home Economics
Instrumental Music
Performing Arts
Physical Education
Social Studies
Visual Arts
Blank Subject Award
Principal’s Award
Dean’s Award
Vice Principal’s Award
Certificates that make reference to the “classroom” also have a copy for the “school”
Both spellings of Behaviour / Behavior and Organised / Organized used

Christmas Puzzle - An Acrostic & Word Jumble Puzzle
A fun christmas puzzle - great for students who finish their work early.
This puzzle is an acrostic and word jumble all in one puzzle.
Unjumble the word to reveal a the answer to a Christmas question.
An easier version with the first letter of each word is included.
Answer sheet also included.

Christmas Memory Card Game - Matching Pairs - 56 Cards
Christmas Memory Card Game - Matching Pairs - 56 bright colorful cards to print. A fun activity for early finishers in the lead up to christmas. No Prep, Print & Go.
These bright colorful cards can be used in a variety of ways with single students, pairs or small groups.
2 versions.
56 Cards - 28 christmas images with 28 matching names
56 Cards - 28 christmas images with 28 matching images
Memory game instructions are included, along with 4 variations to keep students entertained.
Back design included - print back to back for a professional look. Print and laminate for a lasting resource.
Check out the preview to see all included sheets.

New Years Eve Hidden Message Word Search Puzzles
2 New Years Eve Hidden Message Word Search Puzzles contain new years eve themed words.
Students will find each of the words in the word search. After they find all the words, they copy the unused letters to reveal a fun fact and a New Years Eve joke.
PRINTABLE and DIGITAL Worksheet. ANSWER sheet is also included.
COLOR and printer friendly B&W.
Great for Early Finishers, Substitute teachers, Fun Puzzles, Distance Learning.

St. Patrick's Day Memory Card Game
Memory Card Game is a fun way to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. These 32 bright cards can be used in a variety of ways with single students, pairs or small groups.
Memory game instructions are included, along with 4 variations to keep students entertained.
Back design included - print back to back for a professional look. Print and laminate for a lasting resource.